I had the amazing opportunity to be featured in Good magazine, a gorgeous New Zealand title for conscious-living people who love life, style and the planet.
Working with Leanne the stylist and Babiche the photographer was so much fun, they both knew how to make things look great and were so calm and organised.
It's hard to believe from the photos that it was pouring with rain outside (therefore no outdoor shots). But we were lucky enough to squeeze in our shoot just before Auckland was locked down for 4 months with Covid.
Both kids managed a day off school to join us, but it was a great learning experience, seeing how a photo shoot comes together in real life.
Spot the Pelican, Ibis and Black Stilt art prints above.
The house is a 1920's bungalow in Auckland, with original matai floor boards, wide architraves and high ceilings. With white painted walls, it's easy to move the art around and change the look and feel of a room.
Thank you so much to Sarah from Roam & Loom for her styling advice, gorgeous cushions and accessories, check out her beautiful home collection at www.roamandloom.com

Read the story of our home in the December / January issue of Good magazine, in stores from November 30, 2021.